Gay-Lussac’s Law

What is Gay-Lussac’s law? The Gay-Lussac law or Gay-Lussac law of combination volumes can be stated as follows: In reactions between gases, to form a given compound, the ratio between the volumes that combine (measured at equal pressure and temperature) are in a constant ratio of single integers. Gay-Lussac experiment It answers the question what happens … Read more

Charles’ Law

What is Charles’ law? Charles’ law had been predicted earlier, in 1702, in the work of Guillaume Amontons. However, the law was first formally published in 1802 by Gay-Lussac, but it referred to the unpublished work of Jacques Charles in 1787, so it is attributed to Charles. On the other hand, Gay-Lussac related pressure and … Read more

Boyle-Mariotte’s Law

What is Boyle-Mariotte’s law? Boyle-Mariotte’s law can be stated as follows: At constant temperature, the volume of a gas mass is inversely proportional to the pressure. p1·V1 = p2·V2 Boyle-Mariotte experiment It answers the question what happens to the volume and pressure of an ideal gas when we keep the temperature constant? Boyle-Mariotte observed that volume and … Read more

Avogadro’s law

What is Avogadro’s law? Avogadro’s law is a gas law that states that under the same conditions of pressure and temperature, equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules. Avogadro’s law can be stated as follows: For a fixed mass of an ideal gas at constant pressure and temperature, the volume and … Read more

Gas Laws

What are gas laws? The gas laws or sometimes called fundamental gas laws or volumetric laws deal with the study of perfect gases and comprise three fairly simple laws: Charles’ Law Gay-Lussac’s Law Boyle-Mariotte’s Law They are formulated according to the behavior of three properties of gases: volume, pressure and absolute temperature. In addition, they are also … Read more
