What are Suspended Particles?

Written by J.A Dobado | Last Updated on April 22, 2024

Suspended particles have a size smaller than 10 microns. They are made up of a multitude of different pollutants. These particles remain stable in the air for long periods of time without falling to the ground and can be carried by the wind over long distances.

Particle origin and formation

Particulate matter smaller than 10 microns is emitted by various sources, both natural and anthropogenic. Some industrial processes, vehicle traffic and urban heating are the main sources of anthropic origin.

Particulate matter. Their influence on health

Particles in suspension constitute an aerosol that can penetrate the respiratory tract and become fixed on the internal walls of the alveolar ducts, and can therefore be dangerous from a health point of view.

Possible actions for pollution prevention, control and reduction

Action can only be taken on sources of anthropogenic origin, such as means of transport, combustion in stationary sources, losses produced in some industrial processes, e.g. stone crushing, metals, cement, lime, asphalt and copper, etc. In this case, the emission of suspended particles could be improved with corrective measures in industrial facilities.

Video about What are Suspended Particles