Written by J.A Dobado | Last Updated on April 22, 2024
They are characterized by having a -COOH (carboxyl) grouping. They are named with the prefix indicating the number of carbons followed by the ending –oic or – ic (recommendation C-401.1).
When the -COOH group acts as a substituent, the name is constructed by starting the structure to which it is attached (ending in carboxylic ), followed by the word acid . However, there are many common names that are commonly used:
Acyl groups The R-CO- grouping is called acyl . The name is constructed from the corresponding starting acid by substituting the ending –oic (-ic) for –yl , (recommendation C-403.1) and is useful for naming some acid derivatives and when acting as substituents.
Nomenclature of the salts of carboxylic acids Salts of acids consist of a cation and the anion derived from the corresponding carboxylic acid. They are designated by the name of the acid ending in –ate followed by the name of the cation (recommendation C-461.1).
Return to the page naming mono-functional compounds.
Video about the Nomenclature of Carboxylic AcidsVIDEO