Written by J.A Dobado | Last Updated on April 22, 2024
Chemistry is the study of the properties of materials and the changes they undergo. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
All the objects we see around us are material objects. The gases found in the atmosphere are also considered matter even though we cannot see them.
The properties of matter correspond to the qualities and attributes that we can use to distinguish one sample of matter from another sample of matter.
Articles on the properties of matter
- History of Chemistry
- What is the Scientific Method?
- What is Matter?
- Classification of Matter
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter
- What is a Physical Change?
- What is a Chemical Change?
- What is a Molecule?
- What is a Mole?
- What is Dalton’s law?
- What is Lavoisier’s law?
- What is Proust’s law?