Reverdin rearrangement

What is Reverdin rearrangement?

The Reverdin rearrangement is a chemical reaction that involves the migration of iodine atoms during the nitration, with nitric acid HNO3, of iodophenolic ethers.

Reverdin rearrangement
Reverdin rearrangement


  • Reverdin, F. (1896), Ueber einige Jodderivate des Anisols und über einen Wanderungsfall des Jod-Atoms. [On some iodine derivatives of anisole and on a migration case of the iodine atom.] Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges., 29: 997-1005.
  • Reverdin, F. (1896), Ueber die Wanderung des Jodatomes in den Anisol- und Phenetol-Derivaten. [On the migration of the iodine atom in the anisole and phenetol derivatives.] Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges., 29: 2595-2599.