Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling

What is Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling?

The Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling is a widely used chemical reaction that allows the preparation of aryl- or vinyl-substituted amines through the coupling of an aryl or vinyl halide with a primary or secondary amine. This reaction was developed by Professor Stephen L. Buchwald and Professor John F. Hartwig and has become an important tool in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, natural products, and other organic compounds..

The reaction is typically carried out using a palladium catalyst and a base, such as potassium carbonate, to facilitate the coupling. The aryl or vinyl halide is first treated with the base to generate an aryl or vinyl anion, which then undergoes coupling with the amine. The resulting product is an aryl- or vinyl-substituted amine..

One of the key advantages of the Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling is its high level of efficiency and regioselectivity. It allows the selective synthesis of aryl- or vinyl-substituted amines in high yields and with good levels of purity. It is also a flexible reaction, as it can be carried out using a variety of different aryl or vinyl halides and amines..

The Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling has become an important reaction in the field of organic chemistry, and has been widely used in the synthesis of a wide range of compounds, including pharmaceuticals, natural products, and other organic materials. It is a powerful tool for the preparation of aryl- or vinyl-substituted amines and has greatly impacted the field of chemical synthesis..


The Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling reaction is a widely used method for the formation of C-N bonds, particularly in the synthesis of amines. It involves the reaction of an aryl or alkyl halide with a primary or secondary amine, using a palladium catalyst and a base..

Here is an example of the Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling reaction:


Phenylmagnesium bromide
Catalyst: Pd(OAc)2, CuI

Base: K2CO3

Solvent: Toluene

The 4-chloroaniline and K2CO3 are added to a round-bottom flask, followed by the Pd(OAc)2 and CuI. The mixture is stirred at room temperature for 30 minutes, at which point the phenylmagnesium bromide is added. The mixture is then heated to 70°C and stirred for an additional 16 hours..

The resulting product is 4-aminophenol, which can be isolated by filtration and purified by crystallization..

Mechanism of reaction

The Buchwald-Hartwig cross-coupling reaction is a chemical reaction that involves the coupling of an aryl or alkyl halide with an aryl or alkyl Grignard reagent or organometallic compound to form a new carbon-carbon bond. This reaction is typically performed in the presence of a palladium catalyst and a base, such as triethylamine or pyridine. The reaction mechanism can be broken down into the following steps:

Activation of the palladium catalyst: The first step in the Buchwald-Hartwig reaction involves the activation of the palladium catalyst, which is typically done by adding a ligand to the reaction mixture. The ligand helps to coordinate the palladium catalyst and facilitate the coupling reaction..
Oxidative addition: The aryl or alkyl halide is then added to the reaction mixture, and the palladium catalyst undergoes oxidative addition with the halide. This step involves the addition of the halide to the palladium-ligand bond, forming a palladium-halide complex..
Reductive elimination: The Grignard reagent or organometallic compound is then added to the reaction mixture, and the palladium-halide complex undergoes reductive elimination to form the desired product. This step involves the elimination of the halide from the palladium-halide complex, resulting in the formation of a new carbon-carbon bond..
Deprotection: Finally, the product may need to be deprotected by the removal of any protecting groups that were used during the synthesis. This is typically done through the use of acid or base, depending on the nature of the protecting group..
Overall, the Buchwald-Hartwig cross-coupling reaction is a useful method for the synthesis of aryl and alkyl compounds with a wide range of functional groups. It is often used in the synthesis of complex organic molecules, such as pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals..
