Separation of pigments from spinach leaves (spinach chromatography)

Objective Extract photosynthetic pigments and separate them by a simple column chromatography (CC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) techniques. Background Spinach leaves contain a variety of pigments that are important for the plant’s survival. These pigments play a crucial role in the process of photosynthesis. There are several different types of pigments (natural products) present … Read more

Isolation of a three components mixture

Objective Learn how different organic compounds can be isolated according to their acid-base properties, which change their solubility in organic and aqueous solvents, by liquid-liquid extraction. Background The liquid-liquid extraction is one of the most common basic operations in the organic chemistry laboratory, as many reactions involve the use of this technique for product isolation. … Read more

Synthesis of methyl orange

Objective The purpose of this experiment is to obtain an azo dye, methyl orange, by the copulation reaction of a diazonium salt. Background Each type of amine generates a different product when reacting with nitrous acid, HNO2. Unstable reagent formed  in situ in the presence of the amine by the action of a mineral acid on … Read more

Oxidation reaction of acetophenone with sodium hypochlorite

Objective The purpose of this experiment is to carry out a modification of the haloform reaction, using everyday oxidizing chemical reagents such as bleach (sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl). Background The haloform reaction is characteristic of compounds that have a methyl group (CH3) adjacent to a carbonyl group (C=O). Families of molecules with this type of functional … Read more

Paracetamol synthesis

Objective In this experiment, the three-step synthesis of paracetamol (p-acetamidophenol) from phenol is carried out. 3D structure Background paracetamol (p-acetaminophenol) is a crystalline solid with a melting point of 169-171 ºC that is used as an analgesic and antipyretic, although it has no significant anti-inflammatory action. Commercially it appears under different names: Commercially it appears under various names … Read more

Martius yellow synthesis

Objective Synthesize a dye, in this case Martius yellow (or acid yellow 24) by indirect nitration of α-naphthol (1-naphthol), to obtain the dinitrated compound. This is successive sulfonation and nitration reactions. In addition, form the salt of the dinitrated compound with ammonium hydroxide to obtain the aforementioned dye.   Background Martius yellow dye was discovered in 1868 by Karl Alexander von … Read more

Ethyl acetoacetate synthesis

Objective The objective consists of performing a Claisen condensation between two molecules of an ester (ethyl acetate) to form a β-ketoester (ethyl acetoacetate). Background Ester enolates undergo addition-elimination reactions with other ester functions giving rise to β-ketoesters. These transformations, known as Claisen condensations, can occur between the same or different ester molecules. The formation of enolates involves the use of strong bases … Read more

Phenolphthalein synthesis

Objective The purpose of the experiment is to become familiar with the methods of synthesis of dyes of the phthaleins type. The synthesis is carried out by condensation of phthalic anhydride with phenol, and involves an (acid-catalyzed) reaction of electrophilic aromatic substitution SEAr. The phenolphthalein is purified by recrystallization of the final product. Once recrystallized, the behavior of phenolphthalein, as an indicator, will be … Read more

Creatine synthesis (sports dietary supplement)

Objetive To carry out the synthesis of creatine from the sarcosine molecule (N-methylglycine). Background Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates, and helps to supply energy to all cells in the body, primarily muscle, playing a key role in muscle energy metabolism. It is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys … Read more

p-Nitroaniline synthesis

Objective The aim of this experiment (the synthesis of p-nitroaniline) is to familiarize the student with the concept of protective group. In this laboratory experiment, reactions of protection/deprotection of an amino group will be performed. In this way, reactions such as nitration, which require strongly acidic conditions and to which an amino group is sensitive, will be … Read more
